Pawsitive Educational Summits brings you innovative techniques for caring for pets and building your business. The Energetics Summit is no different. Energy flows in and out of everything around us and can be harnessed to provide gentle care to the pets you are serving to make their lives better. You will be introduced to the concept and application of several energy techniques including sound therapies, massage, frequencies, animal communication, and yoga! Join us for a 2-day summit and learn how you can step out of the box and serve your clients at an even deeper level!
Join us Sunday, February 6th and Monday February 7th for 2 days of groundbreaking techniques to further your connection with yourself and your clients with awe-inspiring instructors.
On Sunday, we start off with Understanding Canine Hearing And The Effects Of Sounds In The Grooming Salon with Kate Klasen.
Kate will cover:
How ears detect and process sound
Resonance and entrainment
What a dog’s hearing range is vs. humans
How sound affects the body/behavior
Sound levels in the grooming salon
How to use sound therapy for calming
After Kate’s enlightening workshop, we will finish up the first day with Transitional Massage And Energy Work Techniques For The Aged/Infirm Or Dying Pet with Malissa Conti-Diener.
You will learn the skills that will help you, and your customers participate more fully with the animal during the transitional time of their life. This includes energy work to help them during the end stages of their life. With loving supportive energy Malissa will help you explore the following techniques to help:
· Understanding frequency
· Creating a healing frequency
· Energetic Grounding
· Visualization Techniques
· Energy Balancing
· Energy Snapping
· Finger Mudras
· Hand Placements
· Energetic Massage to soothe anxiety and fear
· Learn how to harness your energy to assist pets into this transitional stage, including euthanasia and natural transitioning.
Monday begins with The Stillpoint Yoga with Karen Symington
This modality was designed by Karen. This is a 60-minute journey on the mat to discover your inner stillness. Combining chanting, guided meditation, breathwork and yoga, the hour will leave you feeling physically revitalized and mentally centered.
****Equipment needed: yoga mat, cushions/pillows/bolsters, blankets****
And the piece de resistance is What Is Animal Communication, How It Works, Who Can Do It And Why It’s Important with Randi Sands
Animal communication is extremely important for multiple reasons which range from animal behavior, helping to build a better relationship between pet and owner, to one of the areas where Randi spends most of her time….helping people to find their lost pets.
The reality is we are in serious need of more animal communicators.
This introductory workshop will give you a solid understanding of the following;
*How it works
*Who can do animal communication
*What you need to know before embarking on this journey
*What is required of you to open and expand
*Understanding your spirit guides and how they work
*Meditation to show you how to connect with your spirit guides
*Understanding the different Clairs
*What stops us from using our abilities
*How to understand the information received
*Understanding symbols and why they are used
*There will be Q&A time and at least an hour of actual practice time.
Sounds amazing, doesn’t it! And I bet you’re wondering how to register. You have 2 options:
1. If you have a Pawsitive Educational Training Summit membership, you do nothing. You are automatically registered and you get 6 weeks to watch the recordings. Don’t have a membership, then grab one at
2. Don’t want a membership. Then you can buy this single summit at the early bird price of $109 until January 16th, when the price increases to $147 and have 3 weeks to watch the recordings.
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