Back By Popular Demand! The Neurodiverse Pet Grooming Professionals Summit!

Think you know what it’s like to be neurodiverse? Think again! Categorized as an individual with autism, ADHD, dyslexia or other cognitive differences – Neurodivergents (ND) make up to 50% of our community!

What’s often viewed by neurotypicals (NT) as dramatic, lazy or irresponsible may just be a misinterpretation of someone with neurodiversity (ND)! Employers and employees in the pet industry can close the gap of misunderstanding by creating awareness of what ND is, how it affects the actions and thinking process of an individual and what solutions can unify our community!

We have invited some of the most talented ND speakers from inside and outside the pet community to lead the conversation around ND inclusion for this 2-day event.

Sunday, March 5th

  • Training Neurodiverse Employees with Anjie Coates


    Training neurodiverse employees is different, and we need to understand and use those differences in order to be communicate the requirements of the position.  I will help you to do this.

    • ADHD

    • Dyslexia, Dysgraphia and Dyscalculia

    • ASD

    • Identify their strengths

    • Setting them up for success

    • Repetition and Retention

    • Prepare them properly

  • Neurodiverse Friendly Workplace with Lorane Belanger


    We all learn differently. It’s important to create an environment that works with each individual mindset. Let’s talk about how to recognize each individual’s strengths. Seeing one’s talents while supporting the difference. Working with policies and procedures can be overwhelming let alone following and practicing them.  Embracing the Neurodiversity of ones  mindset to improve the strengths of everyone on the team.

  • What Just Happened?! Triggers and Tricks To Handle Them with Dr. Sacheen Mobley


    Everyday actions can make all the difference when managing your anxiety. In this workshop, we will go over the anxiety triggers, 3 different ways to manage them, and why generalized anxiety and a DSM-V Anxiety Disorder are not the same things.

  • Learning Outside the Textbook Part 1 with Michelle Knowles


    A discussion about different ways of learning and teaching a given topic. Covers the different learning paths, how different minds perceive and process the same information and tips on how to get the most out of your course and how to get the most out of your students.

    • Many ways to learn

    • Different methods explored

    • Different learners and how they process

    • Tactile learning

    • Ways to ask a question

    • Ways to test for retention

  • Learning Outside the Textbook Part 2 with Michelle Knowles


    A discussion about different ways of learning and teaching a given topic. Covers the different learning paths, how different minds perceive and process the same information and tips on how to get the most out of your course and how to get the most out of your students.

    Putting a plan together

    • Evaluating your student/instructor

    • putting together a learning plan

    • Teaching and learning with verbal/pictoral or cognitive/logic learners and instructors

    • Troubleshooting issues

    • Mediation

    • Advocating for oneself

Monday, March 6th

  • Executive Dysfunction- What’s Your Junction? with Laura Civello Hearn


    Do you ever get overwhelmed when there’s a million things you feel like you need to do, but you just can’t get started? Executive functioning is a part of our brains that helps regulation (both feelings and emotions), task initiation, transitions, and help us do day to day tasks that are supposed to keep us alive. For those of us that are neurodiverse, these everyday tasks can seem daunting.
    Laura Civello Hearn will take you through what executive dysfunction is, how to get curious about recognizing it and steps you can take to help overcome the motivation bridge.

  • Time Management For The Neurodiverse Entrepreneur with Angela Mondor


    Anglea will teach you the  3 time management breakthroughs that gave her life back.

  • EntrepreneurAssisting the Entrepreneurodivergent with Stephenie Calhoun


    The neurodivergent entrepreneur is a force to be reckoned with for the naysayers and will always be the first to your side when you need a hand. Unfortunately, the universe has to maintain the balance so it throws time blindness, object permanence, and executive dysfunction at us. In this class we will discuss different situations in which our neurodivergence throws us a curveball and what we can do to turn it into a home run.

  • Meditating with ADHD with Amie Tolomeo


    Yes, you can. Yes, it helps. And Actually, you’re BETTER at it. We will discuss beginning regular meditation, how you will benefit from it, and crystals and other tools that may help get you started.

For a full description and times for workshops Click Here

Check Out Our Speakers By Clicking Here.

Two Options To Sign Up


Join the Pawsitive Educational Training Summit Membership for $97 a month. With an active membership, you will have automatic access to all the summits, including the 2 private summits with access to the recordings for 6 weeks! You never have to worry that you missed the Early Bird pricing.

Click Here To Sign Up For A Membership


Early Bird pricing of $109 until February 18th. Afterwards, the price increases to $147. You will have access to the recordings for 3 weeks.

Neurodiversity Summit 2023
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