Sunday, October 22nd

9 AM

Beyond Dog Grooming! with Anjie Coates


If you don’t want to work on dogs anymore, or you want to branch out into something more, there are some very lucrative choices out there! Let me show you some of the options and help you get into the next phase of your career!

10:30 AM

Being a Vendor: The Other Side of the Grooming Table with Tommy Stockstill


This class was designed for groomers that wish to create their own grooming-related businesses to understand what’s required to launch a business, as well as to understand the costs, hidden and otherwise, about trade show vending, targeting and catching your customer base, and some missteps you can avoid when launching your own grooming related business.

12 Noon

Is A Switch To Dog Training Right For You?  with Chrissy Neumeyer Smith


If you’re thinking about “life beyond grooming” a career in dog training may be right for you! As a professional groomer, you have valuable skills and insights. As groomers, we’re experts at observing behavior. Becoming a trainer would take those observation skills to the next level. 

1:30 PM

Starting A Pet Sitting Business with Lisa Herbold


Learn the basics of starting a pet sitting service, whether at your house or the client’s. Discover what is necessary to protect both the pets and yourself. Services you can offer, contracts, hiring employees, and much more will be covered.

3 PM

I Don’t Want To Go But I Can’t Stay: Learning How To Take Your Grooming Career Beyond The Salon  with Michelle Knowles


There will come a time when you may not be able to groom anymore, for many reasons. This class will explore the transition to another career after you have left the table. How to brainstorm, flowchart and make choices and plans today that will blossom in your future.

Monday, October 23rd

9 AM

What’s It Like Being A Virtual Assistant For The Grooming Industry? With River Lee


This is the expanded 2-hour workshop. Have you considered what’s life going to be like after you need to put down your grooming shears?  Instead of ‘going out to pasture’ why not consider using your unique knowledge and turn it into a career as a groomer virtual assistant!  River Lee of the Savvy Groomer will go over what it’s like to be a virtual receptionist and a virtual office manager.

11:30 AM

A Hairy Business: How to Start Your Own Pet Grooming Academy with Stephenie Calhoun


Are you a pet lover who wants to make a difference in the world of fur? Do you have a vision of creating a pet grooming academy that teaches others how to pamper pooches and kitties? If so, this seminar is for you! In this fun and informative session, we’ll show you how to open your own pet grooming academy, from finding the purr-fect spot and equipment, to hiring the best staff and attracting customers. You’ll learn how to turn your passion into a fur-tastic business that makes pets and their owners smile. Don’t miss this chance to unleash your potential!

1 PM

Go Forward With Retreats with Mary Oquendo


A retreat can be anything you want, but it can’t be everything to everybody. Mary will walk you through putting together your successful retreat.

2:30 PM

Put Together A Workshop To Start Your Teaching Career with Mary Oquendo


Like any of our grooming skills, there’s more to putting together a workshop than creating a pretty powerpoint. Let an experience educator get you started on the right foot.