It’s fairly safe to say that shears are a groomer’s best friend, but how much do we really know about them? There are so many options! Straights, curves, convex edges, and bevels. What’s the difference anyway? Serrated, semi-convex, and titanium coated? \Wait, what? Swivels should be held differently from non-swivel shears? Straights, curved, chunkers and thinners, swivels and non-swivels, the options are seemingly endless; how’s a groomer to choose? Never fear; we’ll cover all of this and more; we need to know how to hold them, know why they’re folding hair, and when we should run. Today’s two-hour class will take a deep dive into shears but also talk about clippers, vac systems, and other tools that can be used to improve our grooming ergonomics and our lives.