Contact Anjie at: for any questions regarding your certification program and testing. Click on the image to access your program. Each level must be successfully completed in order to advance.

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Level 1 Basic Certificate Program, Rabbit Grooming Assistant

Level Two Rabbit Groomer RG

Level 1:

This four hour course will teach you the basics of grooming rabbits and everything that entails (plucking, brushing, shaving, trimming). We’ll cover myths and misnomers, proper handling techniques, how to address common problems with rabbits, pricing, marketing, and forms. This class also includes an interview with a rabbit veterinarian to discuss best practices in a grooming environment. The cost of this level is $97. (Additionally there is a free one hour class on Ferrets and Guinea Pigs.)


Level 2:

Level 1 must be completed before you begin. The book is also necessary for this and subsequent courses and is available at As some have already purchased the book the cost of the book is not included in the course.

Rabbit Groomer certification will cover the following using the book and online course:

Breeds, proper intake, a complete Flyback and Rollback groom including nail trimming and scent glands, Flyback and Rollback coat types, anatomy, and body systems.

The cost of this level is $297.

Level Three Certified Rabbit Groomer CRG

Longhaired rabbit in scissor trim

Level Four Certified Master Rabbit Groomer CMRG

Level 3:

Level 2 must be completed before purchase will become available.

Certified Rabbit Groomer certification covers the varied haircuts required by the longhaired and Angora breeds. Clipper cuts, scissor cuts, areas of caution when clipping, and things you cannot do when giving them a haircut to preserve their health.

The cost of this level is $297.


Level 4:

Level 3 must be completed before purchase will become available.

Certified Master Rabbit Groomer certification covers how to aid and solve the issue of a pelted rabbit. It will cover which clipper will best assist you in doing this, which blades, which types of blades, common areas of caution, and how to protect yourself and your business while providing this service.

The cost of this level is $197.