Rabbit Grooming Is Veritably Untapped As A Market

There are few out there willing to take the leap into rabbit grooming because they simply don’t have the education to do so. This course can change all of that. With 5-7 million pet rabbits in the US, this service is needed. You can create a new revenue stream with the rabbit owners in your area and I will show you how.

This course will teach you the basics of grooming rabbits, and everything included in what that actually entails (plucking, brushing, shaving, trimming). We’ll cover myths and misnomers, proper handling techniques, how to address common problems with rabbits as well as pricing, marketing, and forms. This class also includes an interview with a rabbit veterinarian to discuss best practices in a grooming environment.

I will teach you:

  • Myths and Misconceptions

  • Proper Handling Techniques

  • What Does Rabbit Grooming Entail?

  • Interview With A Vet

  • Common Problems & Grooming Solutions for Rabbits

  • Marketing

  • Pricing

  • Forms

  • Bonus: Ferrets And Guinea Pigs

Only $97

Anjie Coates has been grooming for 36 years, and much of that she’s been grooming rabbits. With over 2000+ rabbit grooms under her belt rabbit grooming is one of her favorite things to do. She is excited to share her knowledge with you and help you become known as the small animal groomer in your area.