Pet groomers will find that the Groomer’s Health Summit 2024 will help them create a well-rounded and sustainable career. Here’s a breakdown of the benefits:

Ergonomics and Physical Wellbeing:

Reduces Strain and Injury: As mentioned earlier, ergonomics minimizes aches, pains, and repetitive stress injuries that can plague groomers. This allows for a longer career and better quality of life.

Mental Health and Mindfulness:

Coping with Stress: Pet grooming can be physically and emotionally demanding. Dealing with anxious pets, demanding clients, or long hours can lead to stress and burnout. Meditation and mindfulness practices can equip groomers with tools to manage stress, stay centered, and improve their well-being.

Financial Security and Retirement Planning:

Securing the Future: Thinking about retirement early allows groomers to set financial goals and make informed decisions about savings and investments. This ensures financial security after their grooming career.

Preventing Burnout:

Maintaining Passion: Burnout can lead to a feeling of indifference or negativity towards the profession. Groomers can maintain their passion for animal care and prevent burnout by prioritizing self-care, ergonomics, and mental health practices.

Meditation for Overall Well-being:

Inner Peace and Focus: Meditation can improve focus, patience, and emotional regulation. This translates to a calmer demeanor around pets, better client interactions, and a more enjoyable work experience.

In conclusion, by focusing on these aspects, pet groomers can cultivate a successful career filled with happy animals, satisfied clients, and personal fulfillment. It’s about creating a sustainable work environment that prioritizes the well-being of both the animals and the groomers.

What Were You Thinking??? with Cassondra Smith

Ever catch yourself saying or thinking, “I’m sorry,” “I can’t,” “I wish,” “I want,” “money doesn’t grow on trees,” “I should/shouldn’t,” or “I’m not good enough”? What about saying “yes” when you mean “no” or vice versa? Do you often turn down invitations or ideas because you think you can’t afford them, you aren’t good enough, or you can’t begin to imagine how or where to start? Then you MUST attend this seminar! Our world is filled with outdated beliefs & limited thinking that hold us back & take us out of the game before we’ve even started. Here, you’ll learn how you think, where these thoughts came from, & how to reprogram yourself to start living the reality you didn’t think was possible. This is great for everyone, especially managers, so you can help catch contagious negativity before it becomes a disease in your salon.

Principles, Techniques and Applications of Grooming Ergonomics with Chris Bear Anthony (4 hour Certificate Course)

We know by now that ergonomics is more than a buzzword, but how does it apply to our everyday grooming lives? This seminar will explain & demystify ergonomics, focusing on how it directly relates to our everyday grooming, including tools, posture, and stretches designed to keep you healthy and pain-free. We will also cover where safety and ergonomics meet in the grooming salon and discuss ergonomics cousin, PPE. Hear what experts in the field of ergonomics have to say about grooming smarter and healthier. Learn how to use this science to care for your most irreplaceable tool: YOU! This is a PGC Approved course.

Yes! You CAN Say No! with Anjie Coates

Setting boundaries is something we all must do as business owners and employees. Without boundaries we can easily have someone take advantage of us and plant the seeds of resentment that will surely grow into something larger. I will help you figure out how to establish boundaries so that you can avoid these issues in your business.

How to Start Planning for Retirement with River Lee

Do you know how and when you should begin planning for retirement? Learn the basics and options for both business owner and employee. It is never too early or to late to begin planning. We will cover:
·      Planning for the future
·      Traditional or Roth IRA
·      SEP IRA
·      Simple IRA

Healthy Body Mechanics and Movement During Grooming with Michelle Price

Understanding how proper body mechanics while grooming in a salon or mobile unit can increase the longevity of your career and your overall health. We will look at various tools that can assist your grooming experience and practice exercises for better movement and muscle memory.

Serenity Sessions with Malissa Conti-Diener

Join Malissa Conti-Diener for her “Harmony Blueprint” class. She will guide you through mindfulness and meditation practices. Learn deep-breathing techniques and reflective activities to cultivate tranquility. Explore exercises in stress reduction, positive affirmations, and creating a serene mindset. All these hints and tips to foster lasting peace in your hectic daily life.

Battling Burnout with Valerie McFadden

In this class we will discuss the hot button topic of pet groomer burnout. How to recognize burnout in ourselves, what we can do in our daily lives to overcome the effects and how to move forward in a more positive way.

FOR FULL DESCRIPTIONS AND SCHEDULE: Groomer’s Health Summit June 2024 Schedule

By focusing on these aspects presented above, pet groomers can cultivate a successful career filled with happy animals, satisfied clients, and personal fulfillment. It’s about creating a sustainable work environment that prioritizes the well-being of both the animals and the groomers.


Do you want to extend your career and reduce stress?


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Don’t want a membership. Then you can buy this single summit at $147 and have 3 weeks to watch the recordings.


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